Yes, we as a family have completed a goal! Brilee was very motivated by the ice cream. ok, so was I. :) So our bishopric has asked us to read the D&C together as a ward; even handed out the D&C reading chart to mark off. and in the February Friend Magazine we found a book mark for reading everyday to obtain "Scripture Power"! that is really why i am making this post...i thought our bookmark had character.
that is jelly at the top; brilee made herself a PB&J put it together and decided half way through to take it apart and eat it. i couldn't watch. the sticky mess forming was driving me nuts. and all the scribbles of course are from brayland; he had to have his mark. and once brayland crumpled it up and tried to throw it away! anyway, yea for us! we get to have ice cream. i hope Baskin Robbins is still doing $1 Tuesdays.