I was so excited to do this baby shower! it was so much fun! Kellan wasn't feelen' it til we started decorated. the whole way there (20 min) i couldn't stop saying "i'm so excited!".
Ahhh, a picture of Amdon and I. (I had to wear my sling vs my wrap because it totally matched the decor :D ). Amdon is so delightful to take along with me. he is so easy and always happy.
We had Ethan take Katie out that morning prior to the shower so she didn't have to watch us decorate and feel obligated to help. so we kicked her out! she came back and we pinned her with a button that said "new Mom" or something like that.
okay this was the best part. we had white onsies and everyone had to design one. SOOOO funny! i was reading through them all anonymously. very creative. but mine was the best, of course. :D it said "Made in Bed." then i crossed out bed and wrote "Red Bug". Katie drive a red bug. ha! Ethan didn't get it. so funny. we all laughed so hard. all the onsies were very creative.
This is me demonstrating the wrap! the one i made i gave to katie. and amdon was ready to sleep so he was a little squirmy. but i was happy to show and tell.
AND!!! WOWOWOWOWOWOW on the house! we've got big ideas for the house we're looking at, send everyone up here to overhaul our kitchen!!!! (I'm not kidding).