Paint balling

More like rubber balling.
Our friend Heather Toombs wanted to go paint balling one more time before the summer was officially over. it was more for her husband and her son, samsonite. (that's my creative nickname for him!) well, she was having a hard time getting a group together until she asked Brian. she said, "if i ever need an instant party i'll just call the Hanson's." i thought that was funny.
Brian and David Mikel

Darrell Hanson

Brian, Samsonite, Me

Yea, i had fun.

those little suckers left a few welts on us.

It was a great cardio workout. we both sweated a lot. can you tell where his vest used to be? heehee


Anonymous said…
Way Cool
Andrea G. said…
You mean he took the vest off? I thought it was still on! Ha,ha.
Jason said…
That looks like so much fun! I've always wanted to go paint balling but have never had the chance to.