Only a mother gets really excited about a crawling baby. Amdon started the army crawl already. he is just barely 5 months. i don't expect that til 6 months at least for my chillens.
i was looking through brayland's baby book and brayland rolled over at 7 months and amdon rolled at 3. not that i'm comparing, but it sets patterns. brayland takes his time; he is never in a big rush. eating, using the potty, going on walks. it will be interesting to follow the patterns.
so today i put amdon in my room looking at the mirror so i could fold the laundry in the laundry room. i'm finishing up and find Amdon peeking around the corner! yes, only a mother will get excited about that. it was super cute! yea, i found joy today! the video is funny -- i think. and yes you will notice Brayland in whitey tighties. he is 5 days accident free! it is so nice to not wipe his bum.
i was looking through brayland's baby book and brayland rolled over at 7 months and amdon rolled at 3. not that i'm comparing, but it sets patterns. brayland takes his time; he is never in a big rush. eating, using the potty, going on walks. it will be interesting to follow the patterns.
so today i put amdon in my room looking at the mirror so i could fold the laundry in the laundry room. i'm finishing up and find Amdon peeking around the corner! yes, only a mother will get excited about that. it was super cute! yea, i found joy today! the video is funny -- i think. and yes you will notice Brayland in whitey tighties. he is 5 days accident free! it is so nice to not wipe his bum.
speaking of joy today, brayland was an angel! we went to costco and kroger. on the way to costco i took care of two phone calls to which he politely stayed quite to. when i was done he said mom, i covered my ears so that you could talk on the phone. ahhhh. and while shopping he was just so enjoyable to be around. he let me talk to my friend, we ate samples calmly, he was obedient. i loved it. and i told him; i couldn't resist. i couldn't stop telling him how much i enjoyed his company today and how much i loved him. ahh, what a good day. it is only 4 we'll see what happens. :)